Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Skin... at the Heart, Lungs, & Liver of the Matter

It's easy to forget that "SKIN" is actually a fully functioning organ of the human body... The LARGEST Organ of the Human body, to be specific.

So, why do we take it for granted? If we thought our HEART, or LUNGS, or LIVER was the organ assigned to our outer most layers, we might be more inclined to think twice about the things we used on our skin. But, NO.... our skin is just that... it's SKIN. Big deal... right?


Our skin is the 1st and most prevalent defense for our entire body! It deals with viruses, bacteria, & germs of all kinds. It excretes yucky toxins from every inch of our body. It regulates our body temperature. And, it fights allergens, poisons, and even plain old DIRT, preventing their entry into our precious body.

With this in mind, we should PAMPER our skin in the best way possible, because it protects us from enemy attack EVERY DAY!

But, many personal care products on the market contain ingredients that it really would be best for us to avoid. Yes... I know what many of you are thinking right now: If it's on the market, nobody has died from it, and it's produced by a reputable manufacturer, then trust that the product is good.

WRONG, again.

It is good to trust... but, not all motives are worth the level of trust we offer. Some are more concerned with themselves and their own personal gain, more than they are concerned with you.

So, why would we think that every large, bottom-line-driven corporation always has our best interest in mind, over THEIR best interest?

Here's a small example of how The Butter Bath Company chooses the ingredient commonly called Vitamin E, compared to many manufacturers: The choice is either Tocopherol or Tocopherol Acetate. One is steam distilled, and one is chemically extracted. Both render Vitamin E, but one may have traces of chemicals included that were used in the extraction process, while one is pure & natural. However, the pure & natural choice, Tocopherol (without the acetate "tag-line") is CLEARLY more expensive! We "could" use Tocopherol Acetate and make a lot more money from sales, but, it is WAY more important to use the NATURAL Tocopherol (Vitamin E) and PAMPER the skin of all of our FANS!

This is a complicated subject, and often requires one to do their own research to make their OWN informed decision. For more information on "why go natural" you can begin your own research thru our suggested links found at http://www.butterbath.com/shop/page/11

Happy, Healthy Hugs,

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