Thursday, January 24, 2013

Soap may be the problem

So often I encounter people who have skin issues. The most common problems include eczema, dry skin, acne, and allergic reactions. I get asked all the time for recommendations as to how to improve these circumstances. And, oddly enough, the culprit can often be the thing that we don't think about very much - SOAP. Yes, I said soap.
Most soaps are extremely harsh, very drying, and oftentimes contain irritating fake fragrances. We don't think about soap as being the villain because we view soap as a necessity. And, I agree, we need something that cleans our skin... but, I don't agree that soap is the only way. For instance, The Butter Bath Company's New-Face Daily Scrub doesn't contain one bit of soap, but it cleans & exfoliates the skin, without drying, better than ANY soap could ever do. Check out our info sheet entitled, "The Perfect Face Solution", to learn more about the brain-skin connection, and how many products are counter-intuitive to what the body really needs. So, the next time your are dealing with an irritating skin problem, the solution may be as simple as leaving the bar of soap in the soap dish, and finding a gentler more natural way to clean your skin. And, even among soaps, they are not all the same. The easiest thing to remember is that bubbles are bad. The more a product bubbles, the more bad stuff is in the product. So, look for products that produce little to no bubbles... yes, there goes your bubble bath. But, you can enjoy a luxurious milk bath instead! No bubbles, but gentle cleansing.

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